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Back to school

I just started college last week after not being in a school setting for more than ten years. Taking notes in my first class brought me back to thinking about difficulties I had through the years in school.

I wanted to make this post to open up what I feel is an important topic since school is a large part of our lives, and to share some tips/suggestions that I hope can help parents and students alike.

One struggle I remember encountering in school was writing for extended periods of time. As someone who writes with my Erb's arm, my hand goes numb very easily while writing so it took me longer to complete writing assignments. I was able to get extended time to complete exams if needed because I had to stop often to restore feeling in my hand. For me, pens with a larger circumference make writing a little more comfortable. I am on a quest to find grips for pens/pencils.

In grade school, it is important that a child's school is aware of the situation so that the child can get the extra time they need to complete tasks and assignments. I am sure many of you are already very supportive of your children, but please remember to advocate for your children in school so they can receive all the support they need from their school.

For college students, you may be able to have a note taker or a scribe. Of course there are certain steps one must complete with the school first, but it is worth looking into if you are worried about note taking, etc. I forgot how difficult note taking can be until my first class last week and I ended up missing out on writing down a few key points because I had to stop writing. I was unaware at the time that there is a possibility that I could get some type of assistance in classes. While I don't feel that I need a note taker, I would like to explore a different route, such as a tablet with keyboard or small laptop. In this particular class, the instructor does not allow the use of any electronic devices in class except for in cases of documented disabilities.

I will be making an appointment with my academic adviser this week to see what I need to do to get a little help.

Now let's talk backpacks. They are of course extremely useful and dare I say essential for us students as a means to carry around all of our school necessities, but they can be problematic.

Most of us may already know that carrying a heavy backpack is not great for our spinal health, here's an article I found if you'd like to read it

Solutions? If you're a middle school or high school student, you could ask to have a textbook to keep at home and one to keep in school so you don't have to carry around a heavy backpack.

Since we live in a great technological age, e-text books may also be an option. Many text books are available in electronic form, thus eliminating the need for text books. For college students, this has the added benefit of also costing less than their physical counterparts.

A backpack with wheels may also be a great option.

I remember in high school I had a crossbody backpack like this one, it worked pretty well.

At this time, I uses a hybrid tote bag, and since I am only taking two classes, I don't have a lot of books. I am considering a bag with wheels when I get into the nursing program because I will have many heavy books.

It may take a little trial and error to find what works best for you.

I hope some of this will be helpful. Have a great school year!

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