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A little thing called Self-care...

Self-care. This is something that remains elusive to many of us for a number of reasons. Maybe we feel that we don't 'have time' or maybe we fear that we are being selfish by taking some time for ourselves, but the latter is simply not true. Self-care is totally not selfish. How could we possibly take care of others to the best of our abilities if we are not caring for ourselves? I know personally I end up feeling burnt out and can get a bit unintentionally snappy towards others if I don't carve out sometime for myself.

Where am I going with all of this? Well, it has been awhile since I have practiced a little self-care. I was supposed to have surgery yesterday, so I had taken that day off from work and would then have the following 3 days off for recovery. However, I woke up Thursday morning with a sore throat and took myself to the doctor. Diagnosis: upper respiratory infection, no surgery for me.

I decided to use this time off as an opportunity for some much needed self-care for the next few days. I took some cues from the sticker at the top of this post that I received in a Goddess Provisions subscription box some time ago by doing a little creating here on my blog. It needed some updating, so I made a few small changes before I began typing this post and I think it looks a lot better now. I will also be resting, watching some things on Netflix and diving into the new book I recently purchased, which is The Mindful Vegan by Lani Muelrath.

Self-care doesn't have to be complicated or costly, just do something that you love. It could be something as simple as taking a luxurious bath at home with your favorite bath products, meditating, taking a walk or even sitting on your couch in silence for once(if you have kids, you know what a luxury this can be!). Whatever you choose to do, be sure that it brings you joy. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

Until next time,

<3 Kate

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