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Yoga, a journey

The quote on this photo that I took one day in the yoga studio could not be more true.

I began my yoga journey about two years ago at my local gym, and to be totally honest, I was quite self-conscious at first with my Erb's arm. It seems silly looking back on it now, but I was worried what other students would think when they saw my mountain pose with my crooked-not straight in the air- right arm. It took some time, but eventually I no longer cared what others may think when they see my poses. I do yoga for me, because it makes me feel happy. Yoga is not about being the most bendy or nailing full binds or headstands, it's a journey of the self.

Until I began a regular yoga practice, I never thought I would be able to do even half of the poses. The instructors always emphasized listening to your body and only do what feels good. They also demonstrate modifications to poses and encourage the use of yoga blocks.

So, through my practice I have learned to accept and love my body even more and have a new appreciation for my body, as a whole. Even though I do have some limitations, I am grateful for what my body can do.

If you have ever wanted to take a yoga class, go for it! You can do it.

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